Call: JCAL-Ausgabe zu Qualität im E-Learning

16.06.2010 | Ausschreibung

Das "Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) sucht Beiträge für eine Ausgabe zum Thema Qualität im E-Learning.

Die Sonderausgabe wird von den GastherausgebernUlf-Daniel Ehlers, University of Augsburg ( und José-Ramón Hilera, University of Alcalá/Spanien ( betreut.

"The future of e-learning depends on the quality of e-learning experiences learners in the world make. The question how e-learning can be successful becomes more urgent as we move from an „early adopter‟ stage to a more general offering. In a international educational market for e-learning it is critically important to gain understanding of quality in e-learning. Many different concepts and approaches have been developed so far for many different contexts and purposes. The special issue of Quality in E-Learning of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning will provide a cross-international look at this issue. It involves important actors and draws a picture of the international situation in quality development. It not only presents general insight into the discussion on quality but also presents conceptual frameworks and tools for describing, comparing and adapting quality approaches in order to make e-learning successful. Quality development in e-learning is situated in the crossfire of pedagogy, technology and economy. Quality development is a field of growing diversity and difficult to handle. The international dimension of e-learning adds even more complexity to this question but is crucial in this discussion: different educational systems, learning cultures, learners preferences and other national or regional characteristics lead to different requirements for quality management and quality assurance. While competing on a global market, Europe can contribute valuable aspects to the discussion: Diversity, local and regional adaptation, or multilingualism are just a few aspects specific for European e-learning. Against this background, selecting a quality system for an organization requires complex and time-consuming but decision processes. In this regard this issue wants to provide an overview on current debates and themes and insight into research and practice."

Gerfragt sind Beiträge zu den Themen:

  • Quality of Techology Enhanced Learning Processes
  • E-Learning Quality Management
  • E-Learning Quality Standards and/or Accreditation
  • Quality Concepts for Instructional design
  • Quality Assessment
  • Quality in E-Learning 2.0
  • Quality of Mobile Learning
  • Quality of e-Learning technology
  • From Quality of E-learning to Quality Through E-Learning
  • E-Assessments
Einreichungsfrist: 25. Juli 2010

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Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Ausschreibung