eduhub Webinar: MOCLog - Monitoring Online Courses with Logfiles

Monitoring learning is essential, but user interaction traces (stored in logfiles) are seldom used for that. In the MOCLog project we (=FFHS (lead), USI, FHNW and BFH) have developed an approach and tool (a Moodle plugin) for monitoring learning through logfiles interpreted in terms of a didactical e-learning model. In the webinar we will first shortly explain the MOCLog model, then give an overview of the design of the tool and finally show a demonstration of the tool at work. Please register here for the webinar: Registration is open until December 7, 2012.

13.12.2012, 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr

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  • Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium


  • Präsenzveranstaltung