eduhub Webinar Tool Supported Quality Assessment
Quality at Swiss Higher Education Institutions (HEI) becomes more and more important. During the webinar we will present and demonstrate two tools and talk about the added value and the usage of the tools. Both tools ( and LLL-transfer) were developed under the SWITCH AAA-program. They can be used by members of Swiss HEI's for free. supports the self-assessment of learning quality in HEI. It provides a web-based questionnaire containing 60 items distributed in six benchmark areas (management, course design, curriculum design, course distribution, support of learner, support of staff) and can be taken as a group evaluation instrument by different stakeholders of the institution (program directors, curriculum designers, teaching staff, pedagogical support, content developers, technical support). LLL-Transfer also provides a web-based questionnaire with 60 items. They allow to create guidelines for anchoring lifelong learning in university strategy at HEI's. Organization: Presenters: Cindy Eggs & Willi Bernhard (FFHS), Moderator: Nathalie Roth (SWITCH). Registration is open until June 13, 2012. Go to registration:
14.06.2012, 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr
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Art des Termins
- Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium
- Präsenzveranstaltung