DIGI-HE Webinar: Results of the survey report "Digitally enhanced learning and teaching in European higher education institutions"

Die European University Association (EUA) veranstaltet das Webinar „Digitally enhanced learning and teaching in European higher education institutions“ als Teil des European Learning & Teaching pre-Forum. In diesem zweiten Webinar der DIGI-HE Webinarreihe „A strategic reflection on digitalisation in higher education“ werden die Resultate eines Berichts untersucht der auf den Ergebnissen einer Umfrage unter Hochschulleitungen im gesamten Europäischen Hochschulraum von April bis Juni 2020 basiert.

05.02.2021, 14:00 - 15:00 Uhr

The aim of this two-part webinar series, organised as part of the European Learning & Teaching pre-Forum activities, is to present the results of the desk research phase of the DIGI-HE project. This three-year Erasmus+ co-funded initiative supports higher education institutions in enhancing their strategic approaches to digitalisation.

This second webinar of the series will explore the results of the report “Digitally enhanced learning and teaching at European higher education institutions”. The report is based on the findings of a survey of higher education leadership across the European Higher Education Area from April to June 2020. It gathered 368 responses from 48 countries.

The webinar will offer insight into the strategic uptake of digitalisation in higher education institutions before the Covid-19 crisis, but also some of the changes that have occurred over the last year. Due to a similar study in 2014, and questions on digital learning in the EUA Trends Reports from 2015 & 2018, some longitudinal data will also be presented.

During the webinar, speakers will:

  • reflect on the survey findings in national and European contexts, also in view of the EU Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) and its goals;
  • discuss what is needed to ensure that higher education institutions are fully equipped to provide sustainable and high quality digitally enhanced learning and teaching to students throughout the EHEA in a post-Covid world.


  • Ulf Ehlers, Professor of Education Management and Lifelong Learning, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Germany)
  • Alastair Creelman, E-learning Specialist, University of Linnaeus (Sweden)
  • Sandra Kučina Softić, President of European Distance and E-learning Network
  • Chaired by Michael Gaebel, Director of Higher Education Policy Unit, European University Association

The DIGI-HE project is co-ordinated by EUA in partnership with Dublin City University (DCU- Ireland), Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW- Germany), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU- Lithuania) and University of Jyväskylä (JYU- Finland).

Registrations are open until the start of the webinar. A recording of the webinar will be available on the EUA YouTube Channel.


Participation is open to all EUA members as well as other stakeholders with an interest in digitally enhanced learning and teaching in higher education.


E-Mail: info@eua.eu
Telefon: +32 (0) 2 230 55 44

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Art des Termins

  • Workshop / Seminar


  • Online