Canadian eLearning Conference 2010: rEvolution

10.06.2010 | Veranstaltungshinweis

June 22 to June 25 at the University of Alberta in Edmonton

The eighth Canadian eLearning Conference (CeLC) is organized by the eLearning Services Group at the University of Alberta in cooperation with Mt. Royal University, the Alberta Distance Education and Technology Association (ADETA) in Calgary, the University of British Columbia (UBC), the Educational Technology Users group (ETUG) and BCcampus in Vancouver and will take place in Edmonton, Canada.

This years’ guiding slogan “rEvolution” is supposed to catch the revolutionary and evolutionary changes that have taken place in the CeLC since foundation, whereas revolution is understood as a marker of radical change, progress, and new and innovative thinking. Evolution in contrast also stands for change but in a successive, much more guarded and methodical way.
Thus a diverse field of topics will be discussed, such as:

  • Imagine possibilities: near or distant futures of E-Learning
  • Reality check: current realities based on evidence-based practice (if possible)
  • Keeping the feet on the ground: about E-Learning and its empirical evidence
  • Listening to learners: student presenters share their understanding and critique towards E-Learning
  • Case Studies and Demonstrations: specific assignments, courses or innovations – failures and successes
  • For this event, practitioners, instructors, researchers, students and also E-learning-newbies are invited to share ideas from the field and practices that enhance learning and teaching, regardless of the technology used. A “buddy system” will be introduced to newbies, as soon as the sign in, and they will be put in contact with other CeLC participants to get connected and acclimatized.More information concerning program, prices and registration is available on

    Gepostet von: mschmidt
    Kategorie: Veranstaltungshinweis