Call for Contributions: 6th EDEN Research Workshop

23.07.2010 | Veranstaltungshinweis, Ausschreibung

in Budapest, Ungarn

Das European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) organisiert zusammen mit dem International Council for Open and Distance Education (icde) und der European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (EFQUEL) den sechsten EDEN Research Workshop.
Der thematische Fokus der Veranstaltung liegt bei "User generated content assessment in learning: enhancing transparency and quality of peer production".

Lehrende, ExpertInnen der Evaluation und Qualität, Online-Assessment-EntwicklerInnen und NutzerInnen sind herzlich eingeladen, Beiträge zu ihren Erfahrungenbis zum 23. Augusteinzureichen.

Research Questions in Focus:
  • The real value of e-learning, credible and appropriate evaluation methods and practices
  • The quest for added value – how do the new forms of learning, in circumstances of hard socio-economic challenges contribute
  • Online assessment techniques as an opportunity to assess skills and competences
  • Peer production and user-created content
  • The issue of transparency, together with credibility
The Budapest event will offer a platform to present newly born research, theory and practice about assessing the value and impact of e-learning, exchange ideas about the objectives, methods, tools and results of making assessment personalised and inspire experience in schools and workplaces of the future.
You are invited to submit full proposals (no abstracts required) for paper presentations in parallel sessions or posters that relate to one or more of the conference themes. There will also be space in the programme for a limited number of workshops, introducing a more comprehensive theme and for interactive (learning café or cracker barrel) sessions.

Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung und Details zum Call finden Siehier.

Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Veranstaltungshinweis Ausschreibung