Virtuelle Konferenz: Library 2.0

26.09.2012 | Veranstaltungshinweis

Die weltweite Konferenz über Gegenwart und Zukunft der Bibliothek findet vom 3.-5. Oktober 2012 online statt.

Aus der Ankündigung:

The Library 2.012 conference is a unique chance to participate in a global conversation on the current and future state of libraries. As a conference that is focused on being "inclusive," our desire is to have international attendees see this as a truly world-wide and not a North-America-centric event, and to see themselves as full participants and presenters, not just the audience. The School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) at San José State University (USA) is the founding conference sponsor.

The conference presentations will cover six subject strands:
  • Libraries – Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces
  • Librarians & Information Professionals - Evolving Professional Roles in Today’s World
  • Content & Creation - Organizing and Creating Information
  • Changing Delivery Methods
  • User Centered Access
  • Mobile and Geo-Social Information Environments

For more information, visit:

Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Veranstaltungshinweis