16th European Conference on E-Learning
Auf der 16ten europäische E-Learning Konferenz wird es neben drei vorangestellten Workshops zwei Keynotes geben. Die erste trägt den Titel „Online learning: enhancing teachers and students skills in higher education". Die zweite Keynote beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse zweier kritischer Faktoren bei E-Learning in der Hochschulbildung: „Organizational strategy and teachers professional development".
26.10.2017, 09:00 Uhr - 27.10.2017, 15:00 Uhr
The advent and development of technologies as well as the rapid changes in our environment together with a certain uncertainty are forcing education institutions to change and adapt. Citizens have realized by now that they need to continuously learn in order to survive (whether they want to enter the job market or to change career). Additionally, students, use more and more technologies in their everyday life and situations. Schools need, once more, to cope with these changes bridging the existing gap between the world outside school and inside school. The use of technologies emerges as one possible solution to help to deal with all these situations. And as a consequence we witness the development of distance learning, elearning, mobile learning and ubiquous learning. However, this evolution poses diverse questions and problems that need to be addressed and discussed.
This 16th European Conference on eLearning seeks to establish a platform where academics and professionals can share and learn. This will be an opportunity to bring together interested parties, be they practitioners, scholars or doctoral students to share examples, cases, theories and analysis of elearning.
Weitere Informationen
Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist in der Regel kostenpflichtig.
Art des Termins
- Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium
- Workshop / Seminar
- Präsenzveranstaltung