Call for Papers: OHEQ „Design, Technology, Leadership“
Vom 28. bis 30 Juni 2023 findet erstmalig die Online Higher Education Quality (OHEQ) Conference der Universität Wroclawski in Polen zum Thema „Design, Technology und Leadership“ statt. Eine Einreichung von Beiträgen ist bis zum 31. März 2023 online möglich. Themen können u. a. Anytime/anywhere e-learning, Digitale Bibliotheken, Kollaboratives Lernen und hybride Lehrmethoden sein.
The University of Wrocław invites research papers on the applicability of e-learning methodologies into university curriculum, learning design, education technology that may be of interest to a broader education community. They also welcome studies that
- include straightforward research questions, a framework of analysis;
- focus on teaching and learning in various fields of science;
- address specific challenges in improving students’ achievements, approaches used to motivate and engage students, and lessons learnt from changes in teaching programs and instruction based on educational technology in general;
- exploit the extent to which new approaches are likely to be sustainable
examine case studies of new approaches to teaching with evidence to their impact; - highlight service design and innovation, service business models, digitalization of services;
- explore and trigger new ideas and/or provide further insight and uncover hidden patterns.
The language of the conference is English. Paper proposals with abstracts, up to 300 words, followed by 5-7 keywords, with the participant’s title and affiliation should be sent via registration form by 31.03.2023. The organizer will notify the participants of abstract acceptance by 14.04.2023. Presentations of papers should last maximum 20 minutes.
Weitere Informationen
Anmelde- oder Einreichungsfrist
Art des Termins
- Call / Ausschreibung
- Präsenzveranstaltung