Call for Papers: EMOOCs „Post-Covid Prospects for Massive Open Online Courses – Quarantine boost or backlash?“
Vom 14. bis 16. Juni 2023 findet eine Veranstaltung des European MOOCS Stakeholder Summit zum Thema „Post-Covid Prospects for Massive Open Online Courses – Quarantine boost or backlash?“ in Potsdam statt. Eine Einreichung von Beiträgen ist bis zum 15. März 2023 online möglich. Die Themengebiete der Beiträge sind vielfältig und können dem Text unten entnommen werden.
This track welcomes contributions from the different stakeholders involved in the process of developing, teaching, and researching with MOOCs such as educational technologist, designers, policy makers, managers, practitioners or analysts. As in previous editions of EMOOCs conference, in the case of sharing specific experiences, they encourage the submission of contributions that quantify the impact of these experiences and initiatives that they report to some degree while also highlighting best practices that can be useful and applied by different stakeholders. The following topics of papers are welcome, but not limited to the following topics on a MOOC context:
- Best practices in MOOC production processes, open educational resources, open licenses and interchangeability, methodologies for quality control, teacher training, scalability issues.
- Innovative teaching practices, MOOC design, new forms of alternative yet rigorous assessment, hybrid and flipped models.
- Model sustainability, alternative credentials, pricing elasticity, certificate value.
- Emerging technology trends, learning tools, immersive learning VR/AR, infrastructure as a service, interoperability of learning objects, artificial intelligence, blockchain.
- New data products embedded in MOOCs, data privacy and policy, attempts to measure the impact of MOOCs on learners, cross-referencing on-campus and online data, learners’ engagement, institution analytics, curriculum design supported by data.
- Hands-on experiences with MOOCs and examples in terms of usage, pedagogical models or teachers’ as well as students’ experiences
- Special experience regarding MOOC production, implementation and their usage during the COVID19 pandemic.
- Role of MOOCs in blending strategies also raised as a consequence of the pandemic period.
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- Call / Ausschreibung
- Präsenzveranstaltung