Call for Papers: ZFHE 16/3
Die Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE) sucht bis zum 30.04.2021 nach Beiträgen für die Sonderausgabe „Cultivating a culture of experimentation in higher-education teaching and learning: Evaluation of recent experiences and transfer to the new-normal“. Für dieses Themenheft werden Beiträge gesucht, die Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse der COVID-19 Pandemie behandeln.
Die COVID-19 Pandemie zwang 2020 die Hochschulen auf der ganzen Welt, ihre alltäglichen Lehr- und Lernpraktiken zu ändern und auf ferngesteuerte Online-Lernmethoden umzustellen. Was jedoch bisher weitgehend offen bleibt, ist eine systematische Überprüfung und Bewertung der jüngsten Erfahrungen, um Erkenntnisse für künftige Veränderungen in der Hochschulbildung zu gewinnen. Um diese offenen Fragen anzugehen, lädt die ZFHE Forscher/innen und Praktiker/innen aus dem Bereich der Bildungs-/Fakultätsentwicklung und der Hochschulforschung über nationale Grenzen hinweg ein, einen Beitrag zu dieser Sonderausgabe zu leisten.
Some of the perspectives relevant to these issues may be (not an exhaustive list):
- How can past, current and future teaching and learning practices be systematically be evaluated, for instance, using the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and similar approaches?
- How can curriculum and study program-related development activities be institutionalized?
- What are institutional strategies and leadership approaches to foster a culture of experimentation?
- What do teaching and learning cultures in higher education look like and how did they change in the light of the recent changes in teaching and learning?
- What educational and faculty-development practices including the Scholarship of Educational Development and similar approaches are supportive of an innovation-oriented culture?
- Which approaches to change and innovation are relevant for higher-education teaching and learning?
ZFHE would like to invite contributions that use these perspectives to explore and further develop the culture of experimentation in higher-education teaching and learning. ZFHE is in particular looking forward to contributions connecting different perspectives.
Submission information
English contributions may be submitted in two possible formats:
Scientific contributions within the main theme should comply with the following criteria:
The contribution...
- presents innovative perspectives, arguments, problem analyses etc. on the key topic;
- focuses on essential aspects of the key topic;
- is theoretically supported (i.e. it offers a clear connection to the scientific discourse of the topic under discussion);
- provides scientific insights with added value at least in some parts;
- clearly elucidates the methodology used to acquire knowledge;
- follows the relevant citation rules consistently (APA style, 6th edition);
- comprises up to 33,600 characters (incl. spaces, as well as cover page, bibliography and author information)
Workshop reports comprise the instructional presentation of practical experience, good practice examples, design concepts, pilot projects, etc. Workshop reports should comply with the following criteria:
- demonstrates potential for knowledge transfer;
- describes illustrative aspects and factors for the purpose of theory formation;
- systematically and transparently presented (e.g., no incomprehensible clues to details in an area of practice);
- follows the relevant citation rules consistently (APA style, 6th edition);
- up to 21,600 characters (incl. spaces, as well as cover page, bibliography and author information).
Weitere Informationen
Anmelde- oder Einreichungsfrist
Art des Termins
- Call / Ausschreibung
- Präsenzveranstaltung