Call zum 2019 Opencast Summit
Das jährliche Opencast Summit wird 2019 vom 16. bis 18. Januar an der ETH Zürich stattfinden. Die Konferenz befasst sich mit der Nutzung von Videos in Forschung und Lehre. Der Schwerpunkt der Veranstaltung liegt auf Opencast, das Konferenzkomitee freut sich aber auch über englischsprachige Beiträge aus themenverwandten Bereichen und Projekten.
The Opencast community is an international collaboration of individuals, higher education institutions and organizations working together to discuss, develop, define and document best practices for the management of audiovisual content in academia.
While the focus of the annual Opencast summit will be on Opencast, the community seeks participation from related domains and projects. They are therefore inviting educational designers, researchers, services providers and others working with video in academic settings to share expertise and experience across the field and explore opportunities to collaborate in related projects.
The conference committee is looking for proposals to organize three tracks:
1. Academic video
- Teaching and learning with video, didactics of video, learning analytics
- Research
- Technology
- Video strategies and policies
2. Opencast user track
- Experience in using Opencast for lecture capture/video management
- (Technical) Solutions to further develop Opencast
- Integration scenarios
3. Opencast developer track
Presentations and meetings with a focus on technical details, likely to see developers, system administrators, A/V-technicians and those interested in issues related to these domains.
There are different types of proposals for these tracks:
- Lightning talk: 15 minutes including 5 minutes Q&A
- Presentation: 30 minutes including 5-10 minutes Q&A
- Birds of a feather (BoF): 1-2 hours. Suggest a topic you would like to discuss with others.
- Workshop: 2 hours – half-day. Bring forward a topic you would like introduce others to or discuss with others.
- Alternatively, feel free to suggest a BoF or a workshop for a topic you would like to know more about. Ideally, you can designate/suggest someone to host, but feel free to make this a task for the programme committee.
Please send an abstract of the format you would like to propose until December 14 2018. You have to register as a user before submitting a proposal.
Weitere Informationen
Anmelde- oder Einreichungsfrist
Art des Termins
- Call / Ausschreibung
- Online