Open Science Days 2020
Die Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) lädt am 02. und 03. März 2020 zu den Open Science Days. Im Fokus der Veranstaltung in Berlin liegt das Wechselspiel von "Open Science and Good Scientific Practice".
02.03.2020, 09:00 Uhr - 03.03.2020, 16:00 Uhr
The event will take place at the Harnack House in Berlin and is going to extend over one and a half days (March 02/03).
For this event, the view will be broadened on the world of research and the relationship between Open Science and Good Scientific Practice.
What does that mean? When looking at the different areas of Open Science in the past years, scientists were often confronted with the question on where and how the growing significance of Open Science does affect reality of a daily research routine within the various disciplines. Or: how it should be affected?
This is the key question a light will be shed on during the conference.
A number of challenges for academic everyday life are reflected by the principles of Good Scientific Practice. Major changes within the complex system of research routine and publication workflows are caused not least by elements of Open Science turning into reality. This applies in particular to the fields of Open Access, Open Research Data and Open Research Software, which have been at the center of attention for quite some time now.
It may be seen as a sign for the changed conditions within research, that the German Research Foundation (DFG) has just decided to significantly revise it’s Proposals for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and to establish a “code” including new guidelines. Overall, a series of concrete policies and requirements implemented by politics, funding organizations or publishers have had a huge impact on the mentioned development in recent years.
But what are researcher’s very own needs, visions and ideas regarding the development of their future working conditions? The motivation of those engaged in Open Science activities often is aimed at the idea, that one’s research (outcome) should be re-usable und may benefit the efforts of fellow researchers. But, of course, the question of personal benefit as established part of the scientific reward systems will be a crucial one for the acceptance and durable establishment of Open Science principles. This may for example apply to an improvement of one’s reputation through data or software citations – resulting in better chances regarding appointments or funding.
In the light of these considerations, reproducibility and replicability have become quite essential aspects of research and publication workflows within many disciplines. The practice of pre-registration is one example for a very concrete action in this field. Preprints have a rather diverse role and importance within the research workflows throughout the range of disciplines. In the course of the Open Science development, they might acquire new significance within the research lifecycle – for example in connection with pre-registration workflows. Replication studies can also be an interesting topic. They provide a notable contribution to scientific research in several disciplines, but are often regarded as carrying less “weight” than original studies. The sharing of data, methods, tools and not least the approach to the research procedure itself are a crucial precondition for the conduct of such studies.
Besides the question on how today’s reality has already been changed by Open Science transformations, it would also be interesting to discuss, what is still missing and what would be needed to ensure a positive development for the future.
Participants will have the opportunity to present their own ideas, experiences, initiatives or activities and to discuss current topics related to Open Science in Good Scientific Practice.
The conference language will be English.
Further information on the registration can be found on the conference website.
Herr Martin Boosen
Telefon: +49 (0) 89 909311 207
Weitere Informationen
Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist in der Regel kostenpflichtig.
The participation fee is 100 €
Art des Termins
- Konferenz / Tagung / Symposium
- Präsenzveranstaltung