Call for Papers für die Academic Practice and Technology Konferenz (APT)
Am 02. Juli 2021 findet die 19. ATP-Konferenz statt. Diesjähriges Thema lautet „Reflecting for the future; higher education in disruptive times“. Der Call for Papers für die englischsprachige Veranstaltung ersucht Forschungsarbeiten, Fallstudien, Erfahrungsberichte, Workshops und Keynote Speaker/innen, die sich mit dem Thema aus verschiedenen Perspektiven auseinandersetzen. Die Konferenz findet online statt und die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Einsendeschluss ist der 14. Mai 2021.
The nineteenth Academic Practice and Technology (APT2021) conference will feature a variety of presentations comprising research papers/work in progress, case studies, field reports, workshops and keynote speakers. This year they focus on 4 main sub-themes: staff and student experience; building new communities and developing new identities; the brave new university; impact on diverse communities.
The sub-themes invite participants to critically reflect on and evaluate their plans and experience during disruptive times for both students and staff. They invite educators to critically explore ways in which they are developing their practice using technology. Through a range of online presentation formats, the event will showcase and celebrate examples of academic practice that can inspire academic and professional services staff.
APT2021 seeks research papers/work in progress, case studies, field reports, workshops and keynote speakers that interpret the conference theme of ‘Reflecting for the future; higher education in disruptive times’, aligned to one or more of the sub-themes.
Timeline and submission
You can find the proposal template here. Please complete the proposal template on pages 4-6, and submit it to the saved contact. The closing date for submissions is 23.59 on Friday 14th May 2021.
All proposals will be double-blind reviewed and will be considered in terms of academic quality, clarity of writing and alignment to the conference sub-themes. The lead author will be notified of the decision and constructive feedback on their proposal by Friday 28th May 2021. If the review recommendation is to consider amendment and resubmission the lead author will be notified. The re-submissions deadline is Friday 4th June 2021.
Sandra Lusk
Weitere Informationen
Anmelde- oder Einreichungsfrist
Art des Termins
- Call / Ausschreibung
- Präsenzveranstaltung