Call for Papers für die Games and Learning Alliance Conference 2022
Die Serious Games Society hat in Kooperation mit der Universität Tampere in Finnland einen Call for Papers für die Games and Learning Alliance Conference (GALA) 2022 veröffentlicht. Es wird um Beiträge gebeten, die den Stand der Technik im Bereich der Serious-Games-Forschung vorantreiben. Der Begriff „Serious Games“ bezieht auch andere Ansätze wie spielbasiertes Lernen und Gamification mit ein. Beiträge können bis 01. Juli 2022 eingereicht werden.
GALA 2022 will take place at Tampere (Finland) on November 30 – December 2. The objective of the conference is to provide an international forum for the dissemination and exchange of scientific information on theoretical, generic, and applied areas of serious games. Of interest are original contributions that advance the state of art of serious game research field. With serious games, the hosts also refer to other gameful approaches such as game-based learning and gamification. Experimental studies are strongly encouraged.
Topics of interest
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Educational Science
- Technology
- Serious games design
- Application
- Industrial
- Cognitive Science
Authors' instructions
- All papers must present original and unpublished work, which is not currently under review elsewhere. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ instructions and use their LNCS proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form.
- Papers have to be submitted through the Easychair system. The submission page will be available first of March.
- Submission will be peer-reviewed and authors will be notified about the acceptance, either in the form of a full paper or a poster. The maximum length of camera-ready full papers is 10 pages, while the maximum length for a camera-ready poster is 6 pages.
- At least one author of an accepted paper or poster is required to register for the full conference (regular or student rate).
- Accepted full papers and posters will be included in the conference proceedings published on Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
- A dedicated special issue with an upgraded version of the best papers of the conference will be published in The International Journal of Serious Games.
Important dates
Paper Submissions: July 1, 2022
Acceptance Notification: September 6, 2022
Camera-ready: September 23, 2022
Weitere Informationen
Anmelde- oder Einreichungsfrist
Art des Termins
- Call / Ausschreibung
- Präsenzveranstaltung