Call for Proposals für die eduhub days 2019

Am 13. und 14. Februar finden die internationalen eduhub days 2019 an der Universität Zürich statt. Die eduhubs days bieten eine Möglichkeit für den Wissensaustausch in Bezug auf die Themen digital awareness, digital skills und media literacy. Da die beiden Tage thematisch durch die Teilnehmenden gestaltet werden sollen, bittet der Veranstalter um die Einreichung von Vorschlägen.


Digital excellence is built on the ability to understand and employ new learning and teaching technologies in the most efficient way. The eduhub days provide a platform for knowledge exchange on digital awareness, digital skills and media literacy. At the eduhub days 2019 you will be able to present the way you promote digital excellence and effective use of new technologies for teaching and learning at your institution either in a tutorial, in a BarCamp or in a digital exhibition. Submit your proposal until December 20, 2018, for a tutorial or a digital exhibition by clicking on the icons below.

The proposals can be submitted as:

  • Tutorial
    Share tools, methods and experiences with other participants in a tutorial (2 x 45 minutes)
  • Digital exhibition and demo
    Present and experience new technologies (1 hour, such as augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence, robotics and learning analytics)
  • BarCamp
    Suggest topics directly and discuss them with the community (45 minutes)

The eduhub days 2019 will be shaped by the inputs of the participants. The proposals can be submitted until December 20, 2018.




Art des Termins

  • Call / Ausschreibung


  • Präsenzveranstaltung