Call for Papers: International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC),

13.06.2008 | Ausschreibung

Thema "Web 2.0 Goes Academia: Innovative Scenarios for Socio-technical Communities"

Das International Journal of Web Based Communities hat einen Call for Papers zum Thema Web 2.0 in Hochschulen heraus gegeben. Gastherausgeberin ist Jun.-Prof. Dr. Isa Jahnke von der Universität Dortmund. Bis zum 18. Juli werden noch Beiträge entgegen genommen.

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Aus dem Call:

Web 2.0 is - as O'Reilly (2005) said - a "second generation of Internet-based services". The common idea is to enable people to collaborate and share information online in new ways, such as in wikis, communication tools, social networking applications, and social tagging. Figure 1 confronts the two concepts and lists examples from Web 2.0 usage in academia:Figure.

Web 2.0 and Social Software focus on new or existing software systems which are influenced by human communication and collaboration, or, to put it another way, Web 2.0 is heavily reliant on social interaction, and so social web-based applications generate and require a human-centred design approach.

The number of users of Web 2.0 applications in private settings (e.g., leisure) is very high. However, in organisations and institutions, Web 2.0 concepts or such combined applications are still at an early stage. The same is true for universities. There are some Web 2.0 tools in universities, in particular Wikis and Blogs, but the usage of these tools for supporting teaching, learning or research is not yet fully developed. How can Web 2.0 support community-based learning or research in academia?

The aim is to collect proposals for academic practice with Web 2.0, to specify research questions dealing with Web 2.0 in academia or to discuss new research methods and their challenges in this topic (e.g., e-ethnography). The special issue wants to share practical experience or research results about using Web 2.0 in teaching and research, for example, e-learning goes Web 2.0, scientific communities go Web 2.0 or research publications go Web 2.0. Therefore, we strongly encourage researchers and practitioners who have ideas or experience of using Web 2.0 applications in academia to submit a paper.

Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Ausschreibung