AACE eröffnet Career Center
19.06.2008 | StellenausschreibungUnterstützung für Jobsuchende und Anbieter im Bereich E-Learning erscheint notwendig
Die Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
stellt ab sofort ein Career Center für Arbeitssuchende und Anbieter im Bereich E-Learning bzw. ICT in Lehre und Lernen bereit. Begründet wird das Angebot mit den großen Problemen, die sich zum Teil ergeben, wenn qualifizierte Mitarbeiter in diesem sich schnell veränderten Sektor gesucht werden.
In der Ankündigung heisst es:
Serving the Education, Government, and Business sectors, the AACE Career Center
includes the resources you need to fulfill your career goals:
- Post Your Resume Anonymously.You can post your resume anonymously and only send your contact informationto the employers whose opportunities you are interested in!
- Search Many Professional Job Postings.For a new Career Center, we have a good start on many job postings from universities, government, and corporations. And we are adding more every day!
- Create a Job Alert. Be notified by email of new job opportunities that match your search criteria.
- Gain Access to Active and Passive Job Seekers. We connect you with the top IT in Education and E-Learning professionals.
- Search Resumes for FREE and Only Pay for the Candidates We Connect with You. Search all resumes, find the ones that are a good match, and only pay for the resume if the job seeker is interested in your opportunity!
- Post Your Job in our Career Center for a Special Discount. You can purchase a single posting and give our job seekers access to view your posting.Your job posting also is emailed to job seekers through our Job Alert system.
Das Portal mit bisher ausschließlich Angeboten aus den USA und Kanada findet man unter:http://Jobs.AACE.org