IAMLearn Mobile Learning Challenge 2011

29.08.2011 | Ausschreibung

Deadline for Submissions is Wednesday, 14 September 2011 24:00 GMT.

The International Association for Mobile Learning (IAMLearn, www.iamlearn.org), in collaboration with Epic (www.epic.co.uk), is proud to announce the Mobile Learning Challenge. The Mobile Learning Challenge is searching for innovative and visionary solutions for learning using mobile technologies. Practitioners, students, and young researchers are particularly encouraged to contribute their inspiring and visionary concepts. Specific technical skills are not required for participating!

Full details here: http://www.iamlearn.org/competition.php

The first prize
The winner of the Challenge will receive  1000 (one thousand GBP). The winning solution will be presented to the mLearn 2011 conference audience either by the winner (if present at the conference) or by the President of IAmLearn. This prize is co-sponsored by IAmLearn and Epic.

The second prize
The runner-up will receive a prize of 5 years  free membership of IAmLearn.

Deadline for Submissions is Wednesday, 14 September 2011 24:00 GMT.

Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Ausschreibung