eduhub Webinar 2012

28.02.2012 | Veranstaltungshinweis

08.03.2012 online von 10-11 Uhr: edulap Educational Landscape Psychology - The Swiss Search and Orientation Platform for Digital Learning Resources

Many digital learning resources (ranging from learning objects to full WBTs) have been developed in the past few years in higher education. Some of them are freely available and accessible, but many of them are hosted within a password protected LMS or other websites with limited access. However, some of these resources are suited to be used by other teachers and students, but can't be found by interested people. What is missing, is an overview and visibility, as provided by libraries or literature databases for print media. The web service Educational Landscape Psychology — edulap is intended to fill this gap. It collects metadata of digital learning resources (including their URL) and serves as search engine. Furthermore, the results are not only available as a list (as in other search engines), but are also displayed in a map that shows the semantic relationship between the resources, thus allowing a more detailed orientation. Originally developed in the field of psychology, the system can be used for any educational field in Switzerland. In the webinar, Roland Streule is going to present the scientific and organizational background of edulap and give a live demonstration.

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Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Veranstaltungshinweis