2012 WISE Awards: Internationaler Call für Projekte
02.05.2012 | Veranstaltungshinweis, AusschreibungDie "World Innovation Summit for Education Awards" verhilft innovativen und zukunftsweisenden Bildungsprojekten zu Bekanntheit und finanzieller Unterstützung.
Aus dem Ausschreibungstext:
"Since 2009, the annual World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) in Doha, Qatar, brings together the world’s most influential experts, decision makers and practitioners to find bold ways of improving education, exploring groundbreaking new trends and tackling the critical challenges of the 21st century through concrete action. The strength of WISE is its broad multi-sectoral base for collaboration, fostering innovation and sharing sustainable and replicable best practices.
Running in parallel with the WISE Prize for Education and a number of annual programs, the WISE Awards are designed to identify, showcase and promote innovative educational projects from all sectors and regions of the world to inspire change in education.
Each year, a Jury composed of leading experts from the education world selects six innovative projects for their concrete and positive impact on communities and societies. These winning projects gain global visibility and receive a prize of $20,000 (US)."
Auf der WISE Website finden Sie ein Video zum Call, die Preisträger der letzten Jahre und die Möglichkeit zur Online-Bewerbung: http://www.wise-qatar.org/