Call for Papers: Digital Innovations in Teacher Education
22.12.2014 | AusschreibungDie Pädagogische Hochschule Wien sucht Beteiligungen und Gutachter für eine Spezialausgabe des "Reflecting Education Journal" zum Thema Medienkompetenz in der Lehrerausbildung. Die Einreichungsfrist für Beiträge endet am 7. Februar 2015.

Aus dem Ausschreibungstext:
There is little doubt that digital innovations have initiated a vivid discussion concerning the reformation or adaptation of higher education in general (cf. Wiley 2009, Strasser & Greller 2014). Especially in the field of teacher education, certain developments concerning a curricular implementation of digital technologies in initial teacher education and teacher training (including post-graduate teacher education, and continuing professional development/teacher development) can be noted. However, experts (cf. Wiley 2009, Siemens 2004) suggest that especially technological developments have often not been didactically implemented in teacher education/development curricula. Nevertheless, institutional stakeholders, teachers and trainers are expected to react to these considerable deficiencies and develop or offer modern approaches of teacher education/development curricula that meet the zeitgeist of learners considering the latest pedagogical innovations and developments in technology (mobile learning, Social Media, Web 2.0, ubiquitous learning, etc.):
- How does teacher education/development deal with the fast-paced and partially transient nature of the internet?
- How does teacher education/development (critically) reflect on a certain shift of paradigm (innovations vs. traditions)?
- How can digital technologies be actively implemented into existing curricula?
- How can technology-enhanced practice be conceptualised/applied within a teacher education/development context?
- How can they be quality-assured?
- Which qualitative criteria can be developed for different domains of digital (blended) learning and teaching in teacher education/development?
- What are the troubleshooting strategies to ‘de-mystify’ the complexity of technological issues?
- How can trainers and students be socialized with new learning technologies?
Topics of interest include approaches to implementation of digital technologies in teacher education/development (initial teacher education, teacher training, post-graduate teacher education, and continued professional development) that build on the use of:
- Mobile learning/teaching
- Flipped classroom
- Cloud services/utilising the cloud
- Use of Social Media/Web 2.0
- Reflective practice with ePortfolios
- Open educational practice (MOOCs, OERs)
- Open assessment vs. e-assessment
- TELL (technology-enhanced language learning)
- Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)
- Specialist software
Deadline für die Einreichung von Beiträgen: 07.02.2015
Weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte dem offiziellen Call for Papers.