Call for Participation: Jubiläum des Bologna Prozesses
08.03.2019 | Veranstaltungshinweis, Call for Papers/ParticipationAnlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläums des Bologna Prozesses werden Beiträge für die Konferenz am 24. & 25. Juni 2019 in Bologna gesucht. Thematisch beschäftigt sich die Tagung mit den zukünftigen Herausforderungen der Hochschullandschaft und einer Vision des Bologna Prozesses nach 2020. Einreichungen à 500 Wörter sind noch bis 15. März 2019 zu fünf verschiedenen Themeneinheiten möglich.
The Bologna Process beyond 2020. Future Challenges for EHEA, an academic perspective.
On June 24-25, 2019 the City and the University of Bologna will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Bologna Declaration, which in 1999 was signed by education ministers of 29 European countries. This marked the beginning of the so-called Bologna Process, creating the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which by now encompasses 48 countries.
On this occasion the University of Bologna, in cooperation with Magna Charta Observatory and the European University Association, will host an academic conference, to identify important future challenges for universities and their role in society. The conference is intended as an analytical as well as an agenda-setting contribution to the design of the Bologna Process in the years to come. The proceedings of this meeting will be input for the 2020 EHEA Ministerial Meeting in Rome.
We gladly invite colleagues to participate and contribute to this academic conference.
It is only with the expert help of many in Europe and beyond that we shall be able to indeed deliver valuable input to the EHEA in the decades to come. Our invitation is directed to colleagues who are doing research on policies and practices in Higher Education and Research as well as to practitioners in the field. In both cases a sound evidence base is crucial and should be clearly described and evaluated.
Your inputs will be crucial to shape the future of EHEA. Don’t miss the opportunity to submit your abstract of approximately 500 words by March 15, 2019. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed. By April 5 2019 the scientific committee will evaluate the proposals received and organize the conference sessions as well as the volume of proceedings. At the same time contributors will get feedback on their proposals and be invited to develop their abstracts. Those whose abstracts the committee agrees to retain, will be asked to speak at one of the sessions and/or contribute to the volume of proceedings.
The organizers have identified five clusters of themes that seem to be particularly relevant. They are connected by this leitmotif: in what way can universities be trustworthy communities of teaching and learning for a sustainable future for all citizens of our very diverse societies?
- 1 - Academic and related civic values in changing societies
- 2 - Student-centred Learning
- 3 - Providing Leadership for Sustainable Development, the Role of Higher Education
- 4 - The Social Dimensions of Higher Education
- 5 - Careers and Skills for the Labour Market of the future
Bild auf Facebook: Image by RitaMichelon on Pixabay