Call for Proposals and Scholarship Applications: CC Global Summit 2020

29.01.2020 | Call for Papers/Participation

Die diesjährige Creative Commons Global Summit Konferenz findet vom 14. bis 16. Mai 2020 in Lissabon, Portugal statt. Für die Veranstaltung werden noch Beitragsvorschläge gesucht. Ideen können bis 12. Februar 2020 eingereicht werden. Außerdem können sich interessierte Mitglieder/innen der Community für ein Stipendiumprogramm bewerben.

The CC Global Summit gathers those in the open community under the umbrella of learning, sharing, and creating; united by a passion for growing a vibrant, usable commons powered by collaboration and gratitude.

Call for Proposals

This year, proposals are welcome that address the topics and issues outlined in the tracks below with a focus on actionable insights and outcomes, from case studies to workshops and storytelling sessions.

  • Creators of the Commons - The faces, work, and stories of those building the Commons
  • Powering the Commons - Exploring the tools, technology, and communities that power the Commons
  • Open Education and Open Scholarship - Supporting communities that practice open access to education and scholarship
  • Open Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museum - Improving and expanding open access to cultural heritage
  • Policy and Advocacy Promoting the Commons - Strategies for legal action and copyright reform

There are also two new ways for you to engage with the CC Summit, these include art submissions and digital research posters! Before submitting a proposal, art submission, or digital research poster idea, please read through the submission guidelines!

CC Summit Scholarship Fund

Finally, in order to reach the largest number of community members possible, the organizers invest a significant amount of resources into their CC Summit Scholarship Fund and invite community members from around the world to submit an application for a scholarship.


  • Proposal submissions: 12 February 2020
  • Scholarship applications: 12 February 2020
  • Art submissions: 19 February 2020
  • Research poster submissions: 19 February 2020


Bildquelle auf Facebook: Pixabay (bearbeitet), Lizenz

Gepostet von: njohn
Kategorie: Call for Papers/Participation