Call for Ideas: „Media & Learning 2020 – Images and Sound in Higher Education“
Die Konferenz „Media & Learning 2020 – Images and Sound in Higher Education“ findet am 17. und 18. Juni 2020 in Leuven, Belgien statt und befasst sich mit den neuesten pädagogischen und technischen Entwicklungen im Bereich der medienunterstützten Lehre. Dabei werden die neuesten Technologien, Dienste und Werkzeuge für Universitäten vorgestellt und gezeigt, wie Bilder und Sound in der Hochschullehre eingesetzt werden können. Vorschläge für Beiträge in Form von Ausstellungen, (Film-) Vorführungen, Präsentationen, Diskussionsrunden oder Workshops können bis 31. Januar 2020 eingereicht werden.
The Media & Learning Conference will combine formal and informal discussion opportunities along with inspiring presentations, practical demonstrations and hands-on workshop opportunities. The organisers plan to utilise a range of innovative as well as traditional techniques to maximise the participation of each and every participant making sure everyone leaves the conference inspired with new ideas and armed with useful information.
„Media & Learning 2020: Images and Sound in Higher Education Conference“ will include:
Plenary Sessions
Plenary sessions include well-known and provocative speakers as well as senior policy and other representative figures speaking on the innovative potential of media in higher education.
Demonstration space: Picture it!
The demonstration area will be at the heart of the conference agenda and will include exhibition spaces and demonstrations by companies and organisations of leading-edge tools and services that are highly relevant for participants. Stands will be open throughout the conference programme from Wednesday morning till Thursday afternoon. If you are interested in booking one of these spaces, contact the organisers to receive the sponsorship and demonstration brochure.
Presentation Sessions: Learn about it!
These sessions feature presentations by experts and experienced practitioners followed by audience discussion and interaction. They will take place in a traditional presentation area with audiovisual support. They include case studies, presentations of relevant research findings, pilot and project reports on innovative tools and practices and will be selected largely through the call for ideas and the input of the Conference Advisory Committee.
Screening Sessions: Watch it!
These sessions feature screenings of highly engaging video materials based on new formats, new approaches and/or new topics. They will be held in the small cinema in STUK and where possible will be introduced by the producer or member of the production team.
Discussion Sessions: Talk about it!
These sessions are all about participation where you are welcome to join in discussions about relevant challenges and issues facing our community at this time. These discussions will be used to share ideas, to build communities or interest and to help tease out some of the quandaries that many of us face in our professional lives.
Workshops: Find out more about it!
Workshops are 90 minutes long and are open to a max of 20 people. These workshops provide an opportunity to go in depth into a particular subject. They will be led by experts, the numbers of participants will be limited and the objective is to provide participants with a specialised introduction to a topic. Participants will be invited to book for these workshops beforehand and booking will be on a ‘first come first served’ basis.
Have a look at the main themes to get an impression of what the Media & Learning Conference is all about.
Weitere Informationen
Anmelde- oder Einreichungsfrist
Art des Termins
- Call / Ausschreibung
- Präsenzveranstaltung