AERA Open: Call for Papers zu Educational Data Science
15.10.2019 | Call for Papers/ParticipationDie American Educational Researchers Association (AERA) bittet für das Open-Access-Journal „AERA Open" um Einreichung von Beiträgen zum Special Topic „Educational Data Science". Einreichungsfrist ist der 01. Juni 2020. Auch für die AERA Satellite Conference on Educational Data Science vom 22. bis 23. April 2020 können Beiträge eingereicht werden. Die Frist endet am 16. Dezember 2019.
In the past decade, huge amounts of rich data have been collected on educational institutions and their internal processes, as well as online systems with individual learners. Over the same period, a new field of educational data science has arisen. Applications have focused on learning analytics, computational psychometrics, recommender systems, machine learning applications for domain-specific assessment and pedagogies, text analysis of curricula and classroom dialogues, and network science studies of educational reform efforts and classroom interactions, to name but a few. Much of the nascent work in the field has centered around learning and has targeted computer science and engineering leaning audiences.
The goal of the AERA Open special topic call on educational data science is to showcase the best of this ongoing genre of research and to broaden the scope of data science applications to include work on diverse topics and frameworks related to education and learning, much of which is being generated by interdisciplinary scholars and educational domain experts. The editors also encourage submissions of substantive empirical research from faculty, education research scientists, graduate students, industry experts, and practitioners from various disciplines that employ data science techniques to educational issues and data sets, e.g., MOOCs and learning analytics; education policy impact using the lens of big data; technology and learning design; testing and measurement; big data records on educational institutions; social networks, text, and speech analysis of educational settings and processes; computer science applications of machine learning to educational outcomes; and examination of ethical issues that data science poses for education research. Papers from education research and a wide range of other fields are welcome, and interdisciplinary collaborations are also encouraged.
Papers may be submitted anytime between now and June 1, 2020. All papers will go through the normal review process of AERA Open, which typically takes 30–60 days from the date of submission and may require more than one round of review. Papers will be published individually as soon as they are accepted, with the special topic papers assembled together with an introduction by the guest editors at the end of the process (target goal is late 2020). Papers that are posted on pre-publication archives are eligible for consideration.
AERA Satellite Conference on Educational Data Science: April 22–23, 2020
Authors are also invited to submit their special topic papers to the AERA satellite conference on Educational Data Science, to be held at Stanford University on April 22–23, 2020, in collaboration with the American Educational Research Association. Papers presented at the conference may be subsequently revised for the AERA Open special topic call and June 1 deadline. See There will be an award of $2,000 for the best paper presented at the conference.
Deadline for conference manuscript submission: December 16, 2019
Notification of acceptance: January 31, 2020
Further Information on the Call for Papers can be found on the website of American Educational Research Association.