JISC Online Conference: Innovating e-Learning
16.09.2010 | VeranstaltungshinweisVom 23. bis 26. November ausschließlich online

Das britische Joint Information System Committee (JISC) veranstaltet dieses Jahr zum 5. Mal eine Online Conference. Unter dem Motto „Innovating e-Learning“ wird die Tagung aufgezeichnet und so für Interessierte jederzeit asynchron abrufbar sein, wobei die meisten Beiträge live in der virtuellen Lernumgebung Elluminate mit zu verfolgen sind.
Zwei Themenschwerpunkte sollen während der 4 Tage behandelt werden, welche sich aus folgenden Fragen zusammensetzen:
Zu Themenblock 1 "Releasing the Potential":
- What are educational institutions for and what will the future demand of them in terms of curriculum design and institutional change?
- How can we use technology to improve and transform assessment and feedback practices to offer valuable experiences to learners?
- How can an organisation develop systems and processes to create an environment where the potential to innovate is fostered and can continue to flourish?
- What do students really want? With insights from NUS projects exploring what students expect from their educational experience in terms of assessment and feedback, digital literacies, personal development and green ICT.
Zu Themenblock 2 "Realising the value":
- How are innovations adopted and embedded?
- How are mobile and handheld devices changing learning and teaching? How are they impacting on educational practices and what are the implications in terms of cost-benefits?
- What does it take to create future-focused learning? How can innovation in curriculum delivery be maintained in a climate of economic restraint?
- How can we harness the power of partnerships and new ways of working to sustain innovation? What are the structures and processes that can support this at institutional level and the barriers, enablers and critical success factors that contribute to maintaining successful long-term partnerships?
- How can we use collaborative technology to enhance and shape an educational future that is effective and financially achievable?