PLE Conference 2011
06.04.2011 | Veranstaltungshinweis11-13th July 2011, Southampton (UK)
The PLE 2011 Conference is the second international conference on Personal Learning Environments following the inaugural event in 2010 in Barcelona. The PLE Conference is intended to produce a space for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experience and research around the development and implementation of PLEs – including the design of environments and the sociological and educational issues that they raise. Whilst the conference includes a traditional research paper strand, we particularly encourage proposals for sessions in different formats including workshops, posters, debates, café sessions and demonstrations aiming to sustain the dynamic, vibrant and interactive discussions established by the opening event in Barcelona in 2010.The PLE Conference 2011 is also hosting the PLE Mediacast Contest with awards for best three mediacast productions. The best papers submitted to the PLE Conference will be considered for publication in the special issues of International Journal for Virtual and Personal Learning Environments and Digital Educational Review.
Important Dates
Submission of proposals(abstract): Sunday 10th April 2o11
Notification of acceptance: Saturday 30th April 2011 (subject to change)
Full papers: Saturday 28th May 2011
Presenters’ registration: Saturday 11th June 2011
Early Bird Registration: Saturday 11th June 2011
Mediacast Contest contributions deadline: Saturday 30th June 2011
Mediacast Contestvoting closes: Saturday 13th July 2011
Informal opening event: evening 11th July 2011
Conference: 11th to 13th July 2011
For more information visit the official website:; E-mail; Follow twitter and blog updates via the conference hash code #PLE_SOU
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