Call for Papers: Learning and Social Networking

07.07.2011 | Ausschreibung

Das europäische Portal "" schreibt erneut einen Call for Papers aus. Gesucht werden diesmal Beiträge zum Themenfeld "Lernen und Soziale Netzwerke". Die Frist zum Einreichen von Artikeln läuft bis zum 09.09.2011.

Aus der Ausschreibung:

"The rapid emergence of social computing applications is changing the ways people connect with each other, as well as how they exchange and create knowledge. In particular, young people entering higher education are integrating ICT seamlessly into their everyday life and expect their educational institutions to support their digital lifestyle.[...]

Educational agendas are shifting to address ideas about how we can create personalized and collaborative knowledge spaces, where learners can access people and information in ways that encourage creative and reflective learning practices that extend beyond the boundaries of the school, and beyond the limits of formal education.

eLearning Papers seeks contributions about social networking and/or social software and/or social computing contributions to supporting learning in both sections: In-Depth and From the Field. We specifically invite contributions which address one or several of the following issues:

• Innovative social computing technologies, applications, tools and environments for supporting learning
• Tools for supporting group-learning
• Case studies and best practices in social networking supported learning
• Communities of practice
• Progressive inquiry learning and other pedagogical models
• Assessment in social networking supported learning
• Gender, age, cultural issues in social networking supported learning
• Ethical issues in social networking supported learning
• IPR issues in social networking supported learning"

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Gepostet von: mschmidt
Kategorie: Ausschreibung